

WinWall: the video, the photos, the story of Laviosa Chimica Mineraria and the Carlo Laviosa Foundation project. The first installation in Livorno.

Walls protect, hide and demarcate. Often, walls divide and our recent history, indeed very recent, is full of examples of walls being erected in the name of some all-important cause. A wall is built, brick by brick; an opening can be added but a wall is never fully open. If it’s fully open it’s no

WinWall: the video, the photos, the story of Laviosa Chimica Mineraria and the Carlo Laviosa Foundation project. The first installation in Livorno. Read More »

Concorso 4

“We will travel again: working in tourism – between tradition and new forms of hospitality” – photographic competition open from Tuesday March 23rd 2021 to midnight May 16th.

Once upon a time there was tourism. Grand hotels in places of renown, guests in evening dress, waiters in uniform or luxury Mediterranean cruises spring to mind, but also the small hotels with a panoramic view and local cuisine, the bed and breakfast booked from one year to the next, home-from-home, « same beach, same sea ».

“We will travel again: working in tourism – between tradition and new forms of hospitality” – photographic competition open from Tuesday March 23rd 2021 to midnight May 16th. Read More »

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