Livorno on.hold

Pirandello at the sea in Castiglioncello, Mr. and Mrs. Shelley in Via del Fagiano, Caproni, Frida Misul and many other names of famous people who have lived in Livorno or gravitated to the city’s streets.
Livorno in.attesa is a project of Laviosa Foundation, aimed at the creativity of users included in the addiction rehabilitation program of the San Benedetto Cooperative Day Center in Livorno. The users will train with Professor of Literature, Tiziano Arrigoni and Professor Lo Giacco Giovanna, on the biographies and works of many characters, who perhaps not everyone knows, spent some of their adventures or lives in our city.
With graphic designer and creative Francesca Giari, they will artisitcally rework the information, reinterpreting the distinguished characters with graphic clothing.
The second part of the project will be aimed at building a product: a mini guide of literary and artistic tourist itineraries of Livorno in.waiting.
Waiting to be discovered, but also unexpected, in the sense of unexpected.
With this social promotion project, the Foundation wishes to have different looks at the city of Livorno, filtered through the sensibility of the Day Center’s users, and aims to give back to the territory and citizenship a tourist product usable not only by those who are not from our city, but also by those who intend to continually discover it in its countless faces.
The project is co-financed by the Livorno Foundation.

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