Freedom I want to work

From the creative workshop with the artist
Giulia Bernini, in art
Oblo Creature, and the inmates of the Gorgona and Sughere prisons, entitled “The Work of Life,” the LIBERTY VO’ LAVORANDO bag was born. The Laviosa Foundation, thanks to the sensitivity of its President, Cavaliere Giovanni Laviosa, is proud among its projects, to carry out initiatives that have inmates as protagonists.

The project engine is Professor Flavia Bertolli, who works together with Professor Lo Giacco Giovanna to create the conditions for two purposes to happen:
1) Actively involve inmates in activities of personal growth, dialogue and openness to the outside world, through meeting with the civilian population, with special emphasis on civic education for the youngest
2) raising awareness of listening, welcoming, dialogue and breaking down prejudice.
The ” Life’s work” workshop started from the notes collected in a circle with the inmates: what job did you dream of as a child?
What work did you do?
What would you like to do once you get out?
Talking about work means reconnecting with the social fabric.
Work is autonomy, economic independence and also social recognition, of one’s place and role in the world.
It means entering or re-entering into relationship.
It means building prospects for autonomy, responsibility and is one of the greatest deterrents to recidivism.
Yet it is not easy for an inmate to make this happen with ease.
During the workshop with the artist, inmates told their stories, giving an insight into their hopes and fears.
Some wanted to be pilots, some wanted to be slush sellers.
Who learned to make honey.
Who used to be a dental technician, who enlightened us about different kinds of fishing, who about the authentic shoes he used to make as a shoemaker, who dreamed of being a soccer player and now kicks the dreams of hope, who defended the vegetables in his field, who is studying to get his truck license.
The work becomes a means of talking about the future, redemption and possibility.
The workshop with the nationally highly recognized artist flattered the inmates.
In a national context where prisons tend toward the gray, as if even the aesthetics of places should reinforce punishment, we believed in and invested in beauty.
We have to thank Prison Director Giuseppe Renna, for his trust and constant support in underwriting the aims of our projects.
The title was a brainstorming of three women and friends around a table.
Starting from Dante, from the freedom that Cato goes in search of, a title was born: FREEDOM WILL WORK.
The gerund of working, it is the continuous and unceasing action of seeking and building freedom, which passes through work, which is conquered with toil.
The vo’ recalls going, but also wanting.
And it is precisely work that makes one free, in no longer having to depend on anyone and in being able to be part of a community that lives together in respect, cooperation and shared values.
The shopping bags are limited edition and are an ethical gift.
All proceeds will be donated to projects supporting the inmate population.
You can purchase them on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16, at 40 Via Scali d’Azeglio, from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m., or reserve them by writing to
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