Gorgona Camp 2024 (second edition)

From July 6 to 8, 2024, theresidential experience of young students with inmates was held on the island of Gorgona for the second year. The project is driven by sharing experiences of meeting, dialogue and knowledge between teenagers and inmates, according to the methodology of “doing together.”

If last year we upgraded common places in the prison section (barber shop, game room, mosque), this year we devoted ourselves to upgrading the school where inmates hold meetings and teach classes, the interview area, a place to meet with families and children and an affective place, and to write together creatively, to get to know each other more closely through dialogues and words.

The students, in the number of 15, from the Niccolini Palli High School, with which we signed a PCTO ( pathway for transversal skills and orientation) agreement, were accompanied by Professor Flavia Bertolli ( board member with responsibility for prison projects), Professor Lo Giacco Giovanna and Professor Marco Romano.

The Laviosa Foundation strongly believes in the rehabilitative nature of punishment and promotes projects with adolescents that break down prejudices and prompt authentic and true encounters with others.

The Foundation would like to thank the boys from Gorgona Prison, who with dedication, enthusiasm, acceptance and sensitivity chose to share their time with us and the students.

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