
In this section active calls for proposals in the current planning year are uploaded for the purpose of being able to apply.
By clicking on the page dedicated to each call for proposals, it is possible to read the regulations for submitting one’s application as an individual or as a legal entity (body, association, cooperative).
We always recommend that you read the regulations carefully and in case of perplexities, doubts or clarifications about them, contact the Foundation directly.
Whenever a call for proposals is promulgated, it will also be present on the page dedicated to News.

Legal entities

la Fondazione Laviosa ETS, per motivi di trasparenza, fiducia reciproca e condivisioni di intenti e buone pratiche, si rivolge in particolare ad enti iscritti al RUNTS (Registro Unico Terzo Settore).


la Fondazione Laviosa, come ente del terzo settore e di promozione sociale, predilige utenze in svantaggio o deprivazione sociale, culturale ed economica.

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