Calvino Prize and Pop Prize finalist book presentation – Friday, May 24

On Friday, May 24, at 6 p.m., the Laviosa Foundation was the scene of a meeting of the highest caliber: Doctor (psychiatrist) and writer Giuseppe Quaranta, in dialogue with the writer of the novel Pelleossa, Veronica Galletta, presented the book finalist for the Calvino Prize and Opera Prima Award, The Raebenson Syndrome. The event, in collaboration with the Mondadori Bookstore, the LaAv (read alouds) association, a harp musician and a master guitarist, touched on many existential, literary and public interest issues related to mental disorders and their manifestations. We were glad we had to buy extra chairs, as the event sold out in a very few hours.
The book, a finalist for the Calvino Prize and the POP Award, is as incatalogizable and unclassifiable as the strange disease it illustrates, The Ræbenson Syndrome.
The author in the wake of such masters as Sebald, Borges and Nabokov leads the reader to wonder what it is possible to really know about the minds of others, and what is the ultimate meaning, if any, of our passage on Earth.

A book that breaks down all prejudices and that is why it was chosen as a gift for a project that enhances reading in penitentiaries. We thank the LaAv association, which supervised the reading aloud of the book at the penitentiary, Le Sughere in Livorno!

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