Foto Workshop

“Landscapes, passions and contaminations” with Letizia Battaglia and “Landscape and industrial presences” with Fulvio Bortolozzo

The Carlo Laviosa Foundation is planning two workshops in June as part of its “Photography and the World of Work” project.

Once again this year, the Carlo Laviosa Foundation organized two workshops related to the project “Photography and the World of Work” because it considers education a fundamental element.
“We invited Fulvio Bortolozzo and Letizia Battaglia to guide us in a photographic analysis of the industrial landscape,” explains the artistic director of the Carlo Laviosa Foundation, Serafino Fasulo, “A landscape that generates contradictory positions. Perceived as disfiguring the environment and, at the same time, a source of income for millions of people. We would like to ask questions: is an industry that does not offend possible? What are the relationships between those who work in industry? How do landscapes and customs change by virtue of industry? Can human life be independent of industry? It is significant that the foundation of Laviosa Minerals, a chemical mining industry, is organizing the photo workshops with these contents.”

Photo by Fulvio Bortolozzo
Photo by Fulvio B
ortolozzo On June 8-9 and June 29, 2019, Fulvio Bortolozzo’s workshop “Landscape and Industrial Presences,” curated by the Carlo Laviosa Minerals Foundation and FotoInCorso, is scheduled in Livorno, Italy, at 35 Edda Fagni Street.
The first two days of didactics are dedicated to the theme “History of Landscape and Architectural Photography” with a focus on the architectural and industrial landscape.
On June 29, the analysis of the portfolios produced by the students will take place.
“The photographer Fulvio Bortolozzo comes from a city that has made industry something intimate: Turin,” stresses the artistic director of the Carlo Laviosa Foundation, Serafino Fasulo. “Beginning in the 1950s, a southern Italy eager for work flowed into Turin. In Fulvio Bortolozzo’s images industry and city are not two separate worlds, but strongly connected. In his gaze there is an intimate participation in the urban spaces that show themselves when the Man who generated them portrays himself in his own homes.”  

Photos by Letizia Battaglia
Photos by Letizia Battaglia

Three days of workshops with Letizia Battaglia and Roberto Timperi dedicated to the theme “Landscapes, passions and contaminations” are scheduled from June 14 to 16, 2019, in Livorno, Via Leonardo da Vinci 21/b.
June 14: meeting with Letizia Battaglia and Roberto Timperi, presentation and reading of a portfolio for each participant and shots in the industrial area of Laviosa Minerals.
June 15: meeting with Letizia Battaglia, presentation and reading of images taken the day before and shots in the Laviosa Minerals industrial area with a model available.
June 16: Presentation and reading of images taken with the model.
“Letizia Battaglia is often identified as the photographer of twenty years of mafia slaughter,” says Carlo Laviosa Foundation artistic director Serafino Fasulo, “Her shots of more or less excellent corpses are etched in the history of photography, something that has not happened to the photos of other photojournalists. Why? Battaglia has always sought an empathetic relationship with reality. The use of 35 mm, which imposes a short distance from the subject, made her a trench photographer, in close relationship with those in front of her. Her images are never stolen, but lived, generated by respect. With the same attitude, she photographed childhood, asylums, religious fervor, building speculation and beauty as an antidote to horror.”
Programs, times, costs and registration are on the Carlo Laviosa Foundation website: Carlo Laviosa Foundation Press Office Manager Daniela Salvestroni

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